Visit Union Cemetery

We're located just south of Crown Center and southeast of the National WWI Museum & Memorial in the historic Union Hill neighborhood. Strollers, dogs, skateboards, bikes, joggers & walkers are all welcome! Come enjoy Kansas City's most serene & historic public park.

The Sexton’s Cottage serves as our visitors center & gift shop.

⦁ Cemetery Map & Self-Guided Tour (PDF)

Private Tours & Groups
Private tours are available upon request. Private tours allow you a special/sneak peek/in-depth with Historian and Vice President Heather Faries. A donation of $10 per person is suggested to help support the cemetery. Group rates are available. Field trips, schools, Boy/Girl Scouts, historical groups, and all are welcome!

Accessibility: Due to the historic nature of Union Cemetery, some might find terrain difficult or inaccessible. Please also keep in mind that some of the paths are not paved, and were designed for wagons and horses. We have done our best restore most sections of the cemetery, including recently repaving most of the historic roads from 1857. We welcome motorized scooters and service animals.

Find A Grave/Genealogy
Part of the work the Historical Society does is to preserve and digitize more than the 35,000 records which have been kept since 1857. After years of diligent work, in 2022 we finished digitizing our records and are now going back through to correct any inaccuracies. Click Here to go to our "Find an Ancestor" page.